For over 40 Years, Foothill Unity Center has helped neighbors in need with programs that focus on: Food, Health, Crisis Case Management, Job Development, Volunteerism and Housing and Homeless services.
Foothill Unity Center, a multi-service agency, serves as the region’s primary provider of integrated services that help individuals and families move out of poverty to reach economic stability. Our program model helps to advance equity in the San Gabriel Valley community. We are providing access and opportunities, removing barriers for the low-income and working poor, providing a safety net to the disadvantaged to prevent homelessness, and supporting the underserved homeless population by addressing their full spectrum of needs for the whole family. Foothill Unity Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, our tax id number is 95-4310817.
Foothill Unity Center was founded in 1980 by Josephine Anderson in a borrowed church closet in Monrovia, California, to provide food to a few hungry families. Over the years the Center has become a major source of food, health services and crisis assistance for thousands of low-income families. In 1991, the Center was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In 2008 we were federally designated the Community Action Agency for the Foothill Area of Los Angeles County. Back in 2016 we dreamed of owning a larger building that would allow us to better serve neighbors in need, and began our Capital Campaign. In 2018, thanks to our amazing donors, we secured the initial funds to move into our own 10,000 square foot warehouse, with a walk-in refrigerator and freezer, allowing us to stock large amounts of frozen, fresh, canned and dried food which has played a major role in increasing operational efficiency and better meeting our growing needs.
We help neighbors in crisis attain self-sufficiency by partnering with the community and using our resources wisely to provide vital support services with love and dignity.
Foothill Unity Center, Inc., envisions a community where . . .
Foothill Unity Center is a place of real hope and possibilities for people in crisis. We serve the San Gabriel Valley Foothill communities of: Altadena, Arcadia, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bradbury, Duarte, Irwindale, Monrovia, Pasadena, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena and Temple City.
Community Action Agency
As a federally designated Community Action Agency and the region’s primary provider of integrated resources, we are commissioned to combat the conditions and causes of poverty in our communities. Foothill Unity Center is required to conduct a bi-annual Community Needs Assessment which reflects the voices and responses of more than 500 community members. These responses drive the Center’s program priorities, organizational strategies, and its Community Action Plan.
Americorps VIP Supervising Organization
Foothill Unity Center functions as the Supervising Organization that oversees VIP Fellows at the local level. Through our AmeriCorps program, under-developed programs are assessed, needs are identified, and members are assigned goals through their service plan to engage and manage volunteers in a coordinated effort to meet the community’s needs.