Thank you USC Ostrow School of Dentistry for their continued partnership at our annual Mobile Dental Clinic

2021-08-25T00:34:06+00:00August 10th, 2021|

Mobile Dental Clinic 2021 Our 2021 Annual Mobile Dental Clinic provided over a hundred pre-registered low income and under insured children and adults comprehensive dental treatment and preventative measures and education. Thank you to the Herman Ostrow [...]

A heartfelt Thank You to Sierra Subaru of Monrovia for their donation of $42,304 to Foothill Unity Center from the “Share the Love” campaign

2021-05-06T22:41:05+00:00May 6th, 2021|

Thank you to Sierra Subaru of Monrovia for Sharing the Love! Sierra Subaru of Monrovia presented a donation of $42,304. to Foothill Unity Center from the “Share the Love” campaign. The event went from November 14, 2020 through January 2, [...]

Thank you to community partners: Simply Help Foundation, LA Partyworks and Melo Melo San Gabriel for your support at our Lunar New Year Distribution.

2021-03-04T02:20:45+00:00February 12th, 2021|

Recognizing and celebrating the diversity in our communities. Celebrating the Lunar New Year today at drive through food distributions in Monrovia and Pasadena. Thank you to community partners Simply. Help Foundation, LA Partyworks and Melo Melo San Gabriel. [...]

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